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benchmark of 3d ptv software using wesleyan data

Result of our software tracking of the data posted by Greg Voth, Wesleyan University

The data is posted on http://gvoth.web.wesleyan.edu/PTV/Wes_data.htm

After some transformations (the detailed instructions will be posted soon), Alex got this:

There are 310 trajectories of various length, few longest are 200 frames (full run) long:

some e-mail that should be converted into wiki page

  1. The data is Wesleyan data.
  2. The software is 3D-PTV software, v1.02 (I installed the batteries-included-version http://ptv.origo.ethz.ch/wiki/Windows_Installer_Package)
  3. All the changes were performed in the /test subfolder of this installation in order to be sure that the same parameters are set up. (parameters.zip is attached).
  1. our coordinate system is different and it's not flexible, so I had to change it to:
    1. x -> z, y -> x, z -> y
  2. renamed image files to the format of  cam1.10001 - cam4.10200(I added 10000 for the convenience, I never sure about 0xxx format of the extension)
  3. renamed calibration images
    1. av_calib1_edit -> cam1.tif
  4. We use 'negative' images, i.e. white dots on dark background. some matlab trick is attached

  2. function wesleyan_calib_img_to_zurich_img(imgfilename)
  3. if ~nargin
  4.     imgfilename = 'E:\PTV\New Folder\test\cal\av_calib1_edit.tif';
  5. end
  6. cam = imread(imgfilename);
  7. imshow([cam,imcomplement(cam)])
  8. [path,name,ext] = fileparts(imgfilename);
  10. imwrite(imcomplement(cam),'cam4.tif','compression','none');

  1. created orientation files. first version was simply the copy of the information from Wes_data.htm, e.g. for camera 1:

  1. 650.0 70.0 650.0 <-- x,y,z camera position
  2. 0.2 0.0 0.0      <-- angles, 0.2 rad looking d
  3. 0 1 0
  4. 0 0 1
  6. 0.0 0.0       &nownwards
  7. 1 0 0
  8. bsp; <--- xp,yp, default
  • 100.0           <--- focal distance, unknown parameter
  • 500.0 0.0001 500.0 <--- interface, perpendicular to the camera, radius of the tank
    1. the attached *.ori files are already after static (using the calibration plate) and dynamic calibration ("shaking").
    2. created  calblock.txt file that numbers the points on the calibration plate from 1 to 100, such that:

    1. 1 ... 9
    2. .......
    3. 91 .. 100
    top left is 1 and top right is 9, bottom left is 91 and bottom right is 100. the origin is point 95.

    1. changed the Main Parameters to have 10 mm glass and images of the 1280 x 1024 pixels. I didn't know the pixel size, changed it to 10 micron (should not be a big problem on average) and I do not know how much it affects the final results.
    2. using manual tagging of points 1,9,91,100 and few iterations, the data was pretty well calibrated, due to large distance from the calibration plane, the numbers are below 1 micron accuracy.
    3. added dynamic calibration using first 50 frames. the parameters folder is zipped and attached.
    4. standard run of the 3D-PTV software (v1.02, from the standalone installation, see origo) with sequence/tracking and tracking backwards created the data which is attached in wes_data.zip. The files were converted from _targets files to the cam1,2,3,4_2D.dat using our Matlab subroutine (attached, et_targets_to_bench2D_format).
    5. the branch of our post_processing software (see on origo) that is called bench_3D_output creates the text file (inside the wes_data.zip) called wes_bench3d.txt. the format is as it was before: x,y,z,frameId,trajID

    Hopefully, everyone can now re-run it with the same settings to get the same/close result. If possible, someone has to repeat the steps (now it's easier) and type a tutorial of how to use Wesleyan data in 3D-PTV software. Since it's a nice one-plane calibration that evolves as a dynamic calibration is added - we could consider this case as a nice tutorial for the 3D-PTV users. we can also test various dynamic calibrator algorithms on this case, as a part of the post-benchmark collaboration.

    wesleyandataprocessingandresults.zip998.24 KB