--- layout: default title: Getting started with 3D-PTV ---

Getting started with 3D-PTV


How to calibrate using a single plane?

In your “working folder” or "test" folder there are three folders called
img”, “parameters”, and “res”. 

We are using the “Tu/e-Jet” test data.  First, few preparations:

Now, we come to the actual calibration:

Four files have been produced “raw<1-4>.ori” and they are next to your initial guesses. Have a look at them. Thee first six numbers are changed, i.e. camera position and orientation have been adapted. They will be used as starting values for the actual calibration in the next step.

How to calibrate using multiple planes?

Don’t do this before you have understood and done a single plane calibration. Basically, now you have to tell the code that you will do a multi plane calibration and then you perform one calibration per each plane plus a final calibration that combines it all.

You will see that after “Orientation” next to your calibration images 12 new files have been created. 4* .ori: never mind those. 4* .crd: they contain the metric image coordinates of the calibration dots for each camera. 4*.fix: they contain the corresponding real world coordinates of each image dot. The “crd” and “fix” files will be used of the program for the final step.

Now, you tell the program that it is about to perform the last step, a combined calibration where the dots of all calibration planes will be jointly used.

If all went well you are done. You should see something like in fig10.  Next to you image files 8 new files (4 .ori and 4 .addpar) have been created. They contain your final multi-plane calibration. You may choose to experiment with different settings of calibration parameters (k1, k2, etc..) to further improve the quality.